Sunday, February 21, 2016

Panama Canal

Analysis Paragraph: 
This political cartoon is about the Panama Canal. This is shown, by the shore which says Panama, and Panamanian citizens on the shore trying to stop Roosevelt from entering to Panama. The cartoonist's message is, that the U.S. should not just invade a city to do what the U.S. wants. This is expressed, by Roosevelt and all of his weapons and equipment to build the canal. I can imagine an opinion from that time frame, saying that Roosevelt can do what he wants because of the Roosevelt Doctrine. The cartoonist uses exaggeration. Exaggeration is being used with Roosevelt, because Roosevelt is big and deadly because of all of the weapons and equipment on him. The cartoonist is also using symbolism. This is portrayed by the elephant bottom which symbolizes republicans. This cartoon supports my position on American Imperialism, because this cartoon is showing Roosevelt dominating Panama just to build what Roosevelt wants. 
MLA Citation:
"Witte Anna." Web. 12 September 2013.     

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