Sunday, February 21, 2016

Spanish-American War-2

Analysis Paragraph: 
The issue of this political cartoon is about the Spanish-American War. This is shown, because on one side of the wall is the Philippines and on the other side is Spain. The cartoonist message, is that the U.S. should not govern/control other states problems. This is expressed by Uncle Sam asking the man "who are you going to throw those rocks at," which is usually how you would solve little children's problems. I can imagine an opinion from that time frame, that the U.S. is doing the right thing to prevent bigger problems that can occur from this event. The cartoonist used labeling. This is used with Uncle Sam, because he represents the U.S. The cartoonist is also using irony. This is shown by who Uncle Sam is talking to, because Uncle Sam should be talking to Spain by the harsh treatment they are giving states. This cartoon supports my opinion on American Imperialism, because I think the U.S. should not govern/control other states and this is showing my opinion. 
MLA Citation: 
"Brewer A. Susan". Web.7 October 2013.>  

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